DNA: Yes
Carolyn Rae Ross (Chandler) Bailey)
Born: 26 Jan 1937, Park City, Summit, Utah
Marr: 14 Oct 1955, Ballard, Uintah, Utah
Died: 2 Apr 2006, Logan, Cache, Utah
DNA: Yes
Carolyn Rae Ross (Chandler) Bailey)
Born: 26 Jan 1937, Park City, Summit, Utah
Marr: 14 Oct 1955, Ballard, Uintah, Utah
Died: 2 Apr 2006, Logan, Cache, Utah
Died: 2 Apr 2006, Logan, Cache, Utah
Mother of Keith M. Chandler
Written by Carolyn Rae Ross (Chandler) (Bailey)
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Carolyn Rae Ross (Chandler) (Bailey) 1937-2006 |
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Ivan Morton Chandler - Carolyn Rae Ross 14 October 1955 |
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Carolyn, Kim, Keith Morton Chandler |
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Keith, Carolyn, and Kim Chandler |
My Story (Carolyn)
I was born in a big house in Park City, Utah. Dr. Goodwan was my doctor and Hatti Barnes was a wonderful friend who helped take care of me. I weighed 6 lbs. and had real dark hair. It was a cold night January 26, 1937.
From the very first the Dr. know something was wrong with my leg - left one. It was a little shorter than the right one and the toes on the foot were deformed. The second and third one being grown together. The Dr. told my parents I would probably never walk. I surprised them by learning how to bend my right knee to fit my left leg and walking at 7 months.. I took advantage of this by being a little go-getter. I ran away steadily across 3 sets of railroad tracks to a small cafe when people were there. One day a truck driver came bringing me home and asking “Is this your little boy?” though I was in a frilly dress! I had not hair until I was 3.
Daddy worked on the railroad and miscellaneous jobs so moved around a lot. Also we lived pretty close to Daddy’s brothers and family because of their mutual interest in music. They formed their own western orchestra.
We lived in Coalville, Utah when my brother George Gilbert “Gib” was born. He was a big healthy baby.
I was three and Gib was 1 1\2 years old when we moved to California. We only lived about a block from the ocean and used to almost live in the water.
We lived in three house here. The last two being in Playa Del Rey. It was here that I have my first remembrances. I can remember scraping gum off the side walk and chewing it with Gib, and Elna and Janette, our cousins. Also playing in the sand with Elna and Janette.
We lived in California for about two years. One trip going back to Utah I remember having Daddy stop and get us a hand full of snow. We were very fascinated by it. We put it down Daddy’s neck much to his dislike.
We moved back to Utah and stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Taylor for a short while.
Then we moved to Layton to what we always called “the rock house”. It was a long ways away from every one down in a valley. We lived in one part of the house and Mama’s brother, Uncle Howard, his wife Johnnie, and son Donald lived in the other part of the house. I remember the Sego Lilies and blue bells grew so thick on the hills you would hardly walk without stepping on them. There was a herd of sheep -- rather 4 or 5 that came to our place there and stayed. Our house was built next to the hill. The sheep use to run down the hill on to the roof of our house. I also remember the stick we use to pack to beat off the sheep if they got a little mean.
When we moved from “the rock house” we moved to a basement house in Layton, Ut. We lived in one side of the house and Talbotts, the owners, lived in the other side.
I remember going to a May Day celebration here. We were supposed to skip around the green and drop flowers. I couldn’t skip with both feet so I had to skip with only one. When we moved from here we went to Wanship.
We lived across from a great big barn. Our neighbors had an older daughter and a son just younger than her -- a little older than us.
When they would turn the irrigation water down our yard use to be a swimming pool.
Some of Mama a Daddy’s friends lived here. Ivan and June Kinsey. They’re sons Deloy and Jimmy played with us all the time. They lived a little closer to town.
It was here that Lucky Lee was born. I guess because Gib and I were older and Lucky was the first baby in our family for such a long time was the reason we spoiled him so much. We really loved him and figured he was all ours.
The night Lucky was born we had gone to Park City to a movie. Daddy had bought us a hamburger on the way home. I went to sleep instead of eating mine.
When Daddy got us up to take us to Aunt Thelma’s so he could take Mama to the hospital I still had my cold greasy hamburger.
It was here in Wanship where I went most of my first year of school There were two class rooms. One row of first grade, (three of us) 1 of 2nd and 1 of 3rd in one room. Then the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders were in another room. Then toward the end of the year we moved back to Park City, Utah where I was born.
Here I finished my first grade and went clear through my 2nd year. I was quick in school and I didn’t have a very rough time. My teacher Miss Reeves in the 1st grade and Miss Lue in the second.
As you can see from these pictures I wore high top built up shoes.
From Park City we moved to Ogden. We only lived here about 6 weeks of the school year but I didn’t care for school there. My real teacher was Mrs. Parrot but she only taught a few days and then a Mrs. Smith was the teacher.
We lived quite a ways from the school so we crossed three sets of rail road tracks and road the city bus.
We lived in a rail road car that had been painted and fixed real cute. We had a big weeping willow tree by it. On the warmer days we slept in a big tent Mama and Daddy had made into our bedroom.
Then we moved to Grand Junction, Colorado. Here we stayed for about six months. I really loved school here.. My teacher was Mrs Leaper. I started playing the trombone at school and joined the Jr. Band. I played the lead in a school play put on for our Mothers. Gib and I were in the big school Christmas play. Gib played a candy cane and I played a Christmas tree. I had a very pretty dress, Gib, on the other hand, left his coat on over his costume.
It was here that I first decided I liked to sing. Daddy played the guitar and helped me learn a couple of very pretty songs.
We lived in a one room house that had a big screened in porch. Mama and Daddy put linoleum around it and made it into a bedroom. We really liked it here. It was here I got my 1st pair of oxfords built up. No more high top shoes!
When we moved from Grand Junction we went to Lapoint, Utah. We stayed with Aunt Hazel and Uncle Floyd for awhile and then moved into a small three room house we called “the Bills Place”. We had a wonderful orchard here. Apricots, apples of all kinds, plums, goose berries, currents etc. We use to go swimming in the summer up to a canal we called “Red Lee Hole”. It was a lot of fun. During the summer we use to sleep in a tent outside.
During the winter the ditch in front of our house use to run over and we’d have ice clear up to the door.
While living here Daddy’s orchestra had a 30 minute radio show in Vernal every week. I sang on it one day. I sang “I Dreamed That My Daddy Came Home”.
Here I finished the 3rd grade and went to the 4th and most of the 5th grade. For the 3rd and 4th grades I had Mrs. Cynthia Taylor, and for the 5th grade I had Mrs Sike Thompson.
We lived here during the 1947 Centennial Celebration. We wore these costumes over to Vernal for the big school affair.
Then we moved to a small 2 room house closer to the town of Lapoint. Here we lived until just before the close of my 5th grade. In the picture below we were on our way out to the gate where we met our school bus.
Then from here we moved to a small 2 room house in Ballard. Here we lived while I finished the 5th grade. I loved the Ballard school and I got along well with my teacher Mr. Squires and all the kids. We were living in thes house when Louann was born. I couldn’t believe it when I found out I had a little red Headed sister. She was the cutest, tiniest thing I have ever seen.
Primary Class - Guinevere Johnson, Norma Hadlock, Carolyn Ross, Glenna Betts, Betty Clark, and Joy Bowden.
Just before I went into the 6th grade we moved into a two story, 4 room house across the street from the Ballard church, and school houses. Mr Squires was my teacher again. I was in all the school plays and had the lead in the Christmas play. I had my first real boy friend. His name was Billy Haslem. He was really a lot of fun. Easter that year we went hunting eisen glass. Billy H., Myron H., Norma Hadlock, Gib and Janette, my cousin. We went on horse back.
On February 12, 1949, Mama and I went to Salt Lake City with Ted McKowen and his family. On the 13th (Daddy’s Birthday)we got all the things together I would need int the hospital. Then on the 14th (Valentines Day) I was admitted in the St. Marks Hospital. I was put in the Shriners Division. Here I was put in the isolation room with Weldon Timothy. We both had to stay here 10 days to see if we had been exposed to any diseases. After this we were put in with the other kids. Then three days later I went into surgery. They tied the chords in my good leg (the knee) to see if they could stop the growth of it so the shorter one could catch up. But by this time I had my growth so it didn’t do any good. They also cut my second toe off at the 1st knuckle. I used it to spring with and it was really long. I went from a size 7 to 6 shoe. But I had a wonderful time there for seven weeks. I met some real wonderful kids and it was all in all a wonderful experience.
I finished my sixth grade after we had moved into the house Daddy had built on the R. W. Ranch. I lived in this house until I got out of high school.
Then when I started in the Seventh grade I also started mutual. I went from my little girl days to my teen-age days.
For the ward Gold and Green Ball that year I sang the theme song “ An Old Dutch Garden”, and also wore a formal for the first time. This song started my singing in Church and school and other entertaining.
For the seventh grade we went up to the Alterra High School with the Ballard 8th grade. We got a lot of the same privileges as the high school kids. Mrs Phillips was my teacher.
On Nov. 2nd of this year I went on my first date. I went to a scout party down to the Ballard Church house. I went with Norman Rassmussen. His Mother took a gang of us Ballard kids to a lot of church and social affairs that year and the next. Mrs. Rasmussen was really swell. She was also my MIA teacher my third & fourth year of Mutual.
Then when I went into the 8th grade I started running around with Patsy Gines. We were inseparable all thru school. Also added to our private gang was Diane Asay. We sand duets together every where. The three of us never did split up -- for long -- all through school.
My first real big dance date was to the Harvest Ball when I was in the 8th grade. I went with Earl Rassmussen. (No relation to Norman)
During the 8th grade “Boys” became the most important things in my life. I dated a lot and had a wonderful time.
I also started going to the Barn. (Daddy’s Dance Hall) I sang with the orchestra as well as danced.
Then came my ninth grade. I went to Union the first year it was a school. We were the first Frosh. We got to help vote for our colors, Black and Gold, yearbook name, Yoon Yun, school newspaper, Reunion etc.
This year I was the Representative of our class.
I went to all the games a Union. Morton Chandler (to be my husband) was a date home from a game one night that year. My first date with him.
In order to get acquainted with the Frosh of Roosevelt Jr. High because we would be going to school together from then on, we planned a hay ride for them. I really had fun. I got singled off by Norman Hansen, Roosevelt Jr. High’s Student Body President. He was a real cute and nice guy, but through school I never had a date with him until we were Seniors.
I worked on our Frosh dance, though it turned out to be quite a flop but it was fun.
Then on May 26th of 1952, I went to Salt Lake City with Mama. On the 28th I was admitted in the St. Marks Hospital again. On May 30th I under went surgery again on my leg. This time I had three inches of bone taken from my thigh to shorten my leg down to my bad one. The operation was successful, though I had to stay in the hospital for 4 weeks in order to have the cut healed. I had to learn how to walk all over.
In the hospital I really had fun. Mama or Daddy was in Salt Lake most of the time and when they weren’t I had a lot of visitors.
They told me I could go home on June 28th or 29th. I wrote and asked Mama to come and get me on the 28th. That morning I got a letter from Mama saying they wouldn’t be able to come after me until the 29th.
That evening Ted McKowen and his wife Donna came and said they were going to take me home.
We got out home at about 10:30 p.m. Mama was in bed asleep. She was so surprised to see me. I donned on a turquoise pair of hostess pajamas my girl friends gave me and went over to the Barn. I had to use my crutches vut I got clear up to the orchestra stand before Daddy seen me. I said “Hello” and surprised the whole orchestra so much they all stopped playing. I got up and sang my old stand by “Vagabond’s Dream”. One of Mama’s best girl friends, Mary Norton, came up and hugged me and was just crying. It was a wonderful night!
For the first time in my life I was able to wear any kind of shoe, not built up.
I had to use crutches for two months while I learned how to walk over again. I started walking after I learned to dance!
I was just walking pretty good when I went into my Sophomore year of school.
This year I was a member of the Yoon Yun (yearbook) staff and I was class Representative again. I also took Girl’s Chorus.
Toward the first of the 8th grade my Grandpa Taylor and Uncle Slim died. Earl and Darlene (Dolly) Mama’s half brother and sister, came to live with us.
At the first of my Freshman year Dolly married Dan Witbeck.
I had quite a crush on Lloyd Wilson at this time. Though he proposed, he married a girl from Louisiana. He was my first “Love”.
My sophomore year was really a lot of fun. I started dating Morton. I was in a lot of activities in school. I never missed hardly any of the school activities.
My best class in school was chorus. I did quite a bit of entertaining during this year.
In July between my Sophomore and Junior year I was asked to be a rodeo queen. Attendant Jolene Robinson was queen and because they wanted two attendance that could sing, Pat and I were the attendance. This was a pretty embarrassing experience because I was afraid of horses and my stirrups were too long. I lost my hat loping out of the arena. It was a lot of fun though.
In August of this year Morton came home on furlough from the Army in Korea, and I really fell for him. We dated constantly while he was home.
Then came my Jr. year in school. I belonged to clubs, was an officer of my class and Pep Club.
I took “Church History” in Seminary. Wendle Johnson was my teacher. It was a real wonderful year. I was president of the whole Seminary. We had a beautiful graduation. I was in the girls chorus and Gib was in the band. We really did a lot of things - trips etc.
Mr. Clyde Johnson worked with Pat Gines, Deanne Asay, and I into a trio. We did entertaining every where from funerals to our school exchange assembly. I was advertising chairman, and Prom Chairman of our Jr. Prom. We really had a lot of fun working on it. The theme was stormy weather.
I started selling tickets over to the Barn.
During the following year I worked at Huish drug store for a little over six weeks. I really enjoyed it. Pat Gines worked there too and we really had a lot of fun.
I had to quit working because Mama needed me at home.
In my Sophomore year my brother Randy was born. Mama was pretty weak after he came so I got to take care of him. Then in November of my Jr. year Rhonda was born. With these two little ones at home there was quite a lot of work.
Then came my Senior and last year of school. This was a thrill from beginning to end. I took shop along with my other activities and I really loved it.
Pat, Deanne and I started chasing around with Phyllis Eklund, Sherene Henri, Janette Smithsen and Diane Nelson. Deanne was ill most of the year and Phyllis and I became real close.
Morton was over seas and has stopped writing very often. I started dating, quite often Ernie Buist. For Christmas he gave me a beautiful watch with rhinestones all over the band and on the lid. I shouldn’t have accepted it but I did. He bought me a diamond ring but because I wasn’t sure of how I felt about Morton I didn’t accept it.
Morton came home from Korea on Christmas Day. It was so wonderful to have him home. Pat and I helped the photographer take the football boys pictures and took one of us.
Pat was engaged to an older boy called Ensign Clark -- whom she didn’t marry. But she was engaged all during her Senior year.
On our Basin days in Vernal Pat’s folks let her take their car. I took this picture while we were at the service station. Our gang was always doing something.
Then came our graduation. Preparing, practicing. All of it was just wonderful. We had a Senior breakfast the morning before our graduation. I helped decorate for it and get our program ready. Janice Nielson, Ernie Domguard, Karen Anderton and I sang “Among my Souvenirs”.
Our program was really beautiful. The principle and music teacher didn’t think we could have a musical graduation but we did.
I graduated third from the top of the honor roll. I gave a farewell poem and Pat, Deanne and I sang “the Lord’s Prayer”. It turned out perfect! We sang our trio with the accompaniment of an organ player from Salt Lake.
After our graduation Phyllis, Jeanett, Sharene and I went to Salt Lake to look for work. For three weeks we walked the streets in rain, took employment tests, etc. Sherene went to work first in a real estate office. I went to work next a Tanner’s Jewelry Manufacturing Co. I worked in the inspection department. Then Phyllis and Janette went to work in the Sugar House Branch of First Security Bank. We had a 3 room apartment on 3rd South. We lived there a month.
The day we moved in this apartment Morton surprised me with my diamond. It was really a surprise to me! My ring was simply beautiful! The girls all cried and cried when they congratulated me.
I received my ring at 1:45 p.m. on Friday the 10th of June. Sherene, Phyllis, Jannette and I were cleaning our first apartment in Salt Lake where we had gone to find work. I was all dirty with water marks down mu face and dirty clothes on. I didn’t expect the proposal at all. He asked me if I wanted to be engaged and then said he had my ring. It was a beautiful thing! The middle set was average with two flower designs on either side and a set at the bottom of the flowers. Yes, it was quite a different engagement, but nothing could have been more romantic nor wonderful!!!!
Then we moved into a house on 1st South. After two weeks we moved into the 3rd floor of the house where Morton, Lynn and Ermond Jensen lived. When I quit Tanners the end of Sept. The girls there gave me a party. One bunch gave me a beautiful compact. Another set gave me a beautiful blue blouse. I used this picture for my engagement picture.
The day we went over to get our license Morton and I were as nervous as you can get. I’d decided ahead of time that he had to ask for the license, I wouldn’t. We’d no more than got in there when I turned around and looked at him waiting for him to ask. He’d just came through the door and just looked back at me. The clerk laughed and teased us all the time we were in there. It was really a lot of fun, even though we were both so darned embarrassed we couldn’t take it. The clerk didn’t think either one of us looked of age. We were though - 18 and 21.
Morton had leased the Durphy’s place in Randlett. We were planning on buying it.
I was home for two weeks before Morton and I were married. In those two weeks we had a lot of fun. We were constantly either at his folk’s place or up home. We bought and sent over wedding invitations and ordered flowers for our wedding. The night before we got married we went to the movie of “Fort Apache”.
When we were married I was just a little under 5 ft. tall and weighed 108 pounds. My hair was quite long and was a dark blonde color. My eyes are green and I have natural dark eye brows and eye lashes.
Morton is 5 ft. 113/4 inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds. His eyes are green also. His hair is a dark brown. He has dark black heavy eyebrows and eyelashes. He’s on the thin side but very good looking.
This picture was taken by Dad Chandler 2 weeks before we were married. I had gone down to Mom and Dad Chandler’s for Sunday dinner. Dad’s relatives were there and they had just gotten home from Priesthood meeting and since we had been taking pictures Dad took one of us. It was a beautiful day with a few clouds in the sky and there was a soft breeze blowing.
I was very lucky in being able to hold the traditional -- something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. For something old I wore my mesh white heels. For something new I had a “nearly” full length gown of Nylon and Orlon in the traditional white. It was fashioned with a bouffant skirt and gathered white net from the bosom to the bottom down the front. It was strapless and I had a dainty bolero with two rhinestone clips. I wore a “borrowed” finger tip veil of double nylon net which was held in place with a crown of seed pearls. For something “blue” I had Grandma Ross crochet a delicate variegated blue around a white handkerchief. I felt very fortunate and happy with my gown.
Because we were sticking to the fall color scheme I had yellow and bronze chrysanthemums with a bronze and yellow ribbon on my bouquet. It may not have looked very traditional but it was beautiful and fit in perfect.
We really liked our invitations. We just couldn’t afford very many, but we sent 100 to friends and family that lived away from here. We had it announced over the radio and in the wards.
This is one of our napkins we had at our reception. Half were green and the other half were yellow - all with gold printing. The green and yellow fit in with the fall color scheme we were sticking to.
Instead of going down to the church to decorate with the others I stayed home. I did my hair up, fixed Grandma Ross’s and put Mom Chandler’s up. They were so sweet. I went over to Grandmas’s and tried to sleep for a little while during the afternoon but excitement and apprehension kept me from it. When I went home Mama came home all nervous and hurrying. I fixed the baby’s some supper. Every one left and I got ready all by myself. Of course even with all that laying around I still was about 10 minutes late!
I wasn’t frightened at all or nervous until I took Daddy’s arm. He was shaking so bad that I really started shaking.
After we were married we took pictures. This picture was taken that night. We were so happy and every thing was so beautiful and everyone was so wonderful! Then we went up in the assembly room of the Ballard Church house and had a reception dance. We got such wonderful gifts and the program was beautiful.
At 11:30 we took off -- went home where I changed to my wedding suit. Then we went to Heber where we spent our first night in the “Hi Way Motel”. Every thing was perfect! Of course I pulled a beautiful bird on the tub and it was the shower so I soaked my hair. I was so mad but Morton laughed and laughed.
For our wedding trip and honeymoon we traveled mostly. We spent our first night in Heber, Ut. It was small vbt cute. Then we went to Salt Lake where we visited Lynn & Edmund Jensen and Phylles, Sherene, Jennett, and Ann. Then we went to the Mill Stream Motel in Ogden where we spent our 2nd night. It was beautiful with a TV and all.
For our 3rd and 4th night we stayed in Ririe, Idaho with Morton’s sister Elva and Roy McKee. Morton spent one day working with Roy. The following day we drove clear to Yellowstone Park and on up to Butte, Montana, where we stayed at the Mile Hi Motel. It had TV and was really nice. We were going to go on up to Oregon but decided to come back. We stayed the 6th night in the Pinecrest Motel in Pocatello, Idaho. It was real nice.
The next day we went to Salt Lake where we got us twin sweaters and then came home. We saw a lot of beautiful country, but of course none of it looked as good nor seemed as nice as home. We really had a lot of fun though. The speedometer read 12170 when we left Roosevelt - when we got back to Roosevelt it read 13682.
The only thing that ruined our wedding was that none of Morton’s close friends were there and none of the girls in Salt Lake nor Pat were there. Deanne Asay and Bea Chandler were brides maids. Dolly was my Matron of Honor.
Then we came back home. We stayed with Chandler’s two days while we cleaned up the Durfey house -- which was going to be our home. This was our first home. It was in Randlett, Ut. We were going to buy it from them but decided to come to Salt Lake City instead because we were out of work. It had a medium kitchen, large dining room, medium front room and large bedroom. It also had a beautiful bathroom and a porch and cellar on the bottom floor.
In the upstairs there were three unfinished bedrooms. We didn’t use the upstairs. It was a real nice house and in the summer the front yard was beautiful.
The first time we had any one here to eat was when Gib Neil White and Danny Gardner who came down for breakfast when they were deer hunting. I cooked meat , hot chocolate, eggs, toast and we had fruit.
We had Mama and Daddy down for a Sunday dinner. It was really a lot of fun. Morton’s folks came up for supper one night. Being sick I wasn’t quite the host I should have been, but it was a lot of fun.
Then we moved to Salt Lake. Morton got a job at a tile Co. Which lasted three weeks. We got us a 4 room apartment. Morton went without work until road construction opened up.
In July of ‘56 we moved into a house and shared expenses with Beoma (Young) Dudley. We really enjoyed it. These pictures were taken a few days after our first anniversary.
Here was where we lived when Keith M. was born. I had him Caesarean and it was real nice. He was a real good baby and we were so proud of him! This is a picture of our baby. He is 2 months old and the most precious thing in the world to us.
Right after I moved to Salt Lake and was starting on my pregnancy with Keith, Mom found out she was pregnant. She wrote us a letter and felt so bad. Morton and I went right out to see her and he teased her unmercifully. It was fun having her pregnant when I was.
Kent was born October 23rd, 1956. When he was first brought in for Mom to see she said “boy this is the homeliest one yet”. Her room mate said she and her husband would give Mama any amount of money she wanted for Kent. Mom didn’t know she hadn’t been able to have a baby live and she had been trying for years. Of course Mom let he know Kent would be loved and cared for.
Morton and I were waiting in line to see the new babies when thes man said “Oh honey come and look at this babies ears”. Of course we knew who he was talking about. Kent had a darling little face and 2 ears that stood out and were large and made him look just like a sugar bowl!
Kent got spoiled as he should have but he turned out to be a real love, joy and comfort to mom. He was always so good to her.
After a month we moved into a three room house. Morton went to work at a service station for the winter. We weren’t very happy here, I don’t know why.
We moved in a two bedroom house but again only lived two months. Then we stayed with Chandlers and my folks until Morton went to work at General Motors 1 1/2 months later.
We lived in a basement apartment for the next five months. We were real happy here.
I found out I was going to have another baby.
In January Morton was laid off again so we moved back in with his folks.
On January 24, 1958, Chandler’s house burned down, with it a lot of
our things inside. The electricity had gone off after we had finished washing clothes. When it came back on black smoke poured out of the eaves. Dad C. and Morton carried a medium size chest freezer out of the house. It was completely full of meat and vegetables and they carried it! They also carried an old time heavy, heavy piano. The fridge in the house completely melted and fell into the basement.
All Mom tried to save were all her family albums and family Bible. When she broke the window to get them they disintegrated. I felt so bad for them - losing just about everything. This was a rough time but it made me appreciate what we had.
For the next 2 months I lived with Mama and Daddy while Morton traveled back and forth between Salt Lake and Randlett, helping his folks build a new home.
We got us a small duplex, apartment a week before our baby girl Kim was born. I only had 55% if my blood when I went in to have her so it was a rugged time. She was born with anesthetic on her lungs so was in an incubator and respirator for 10 days.
Kim was born March 28, 1958. She was the bery best baby. Slept all the time.
We moved back to Randlett so Morton could help his Dad.
At three months Kim got acute pneumonia which really frightened us, but we had caught it in time. I spent every day and night with her.
Then in August Bill Young let us live in his home in Randlett. It wasn’t modern but had 5 rooms. We just loved it.
We did love this house very much, but we had SKUNKS under it. We tried everything everyone told us about getting rid of them. We threw moth balls under the house. Believe me it didn’t get rid of those skunks. It just made the smell so terrible most people wouldn’t even come inside the house.
Then Morton tried smoking them out, but the smoke just came thru the floor boards and was really awful.
We lived through 5 months and had them all the time. Morton vented the hole up and they dug another one. He trapped and shot some.
One night I stepped out to throw some dish water out and a big fat one sat in the dogs dish. I screamed at Morton, but the little devil just waddled off.
When the dog bothered them and they turned loose the fumes would come up thru the floor boards. It completely gassed us and you could see it!
One night coming from MIA I hit one with one side of the car. The smell stayed there for ages. Everyone was bothered with them this year but not quite as much as us.
Our clothes, bedding, etc. smelled for years.
Anyway Bill and Ethyl Young, the folks and Lucky started me a skunk collection. I had what nots, salt and pepper shakers plaques, etc. They are all just adorable.
I became the Music Director in MIA and ward chorister in Randlett and this alone made me really love it there.
Morton went to work up at Dutch John so I had to live alone for 3 weeks. I carried my own water heated it, chopped wood and canned pickles, pears, and tomatoes. I was pretty contented. But Morton had to quit the job at Dutch John because it was leaving me alone and he went to work at Bonanza.
In November of 1958 he got pneumonia but recovered very well.
In January 1959 we left Randlett and came to Norwalk California. We lived with Elva and Roy for a month and then got us a two bedroom house to rent. It was the most beautiful house we’d ever lived in.
Morton went to work as a brick tender under his Uncle Cliff Chandler.
In April 1959 we made a trip home for our belongings. In July we went up for a visit. Then in November 1959, when Gib came home from Korea, he and I took Keith and Kim home on the bus. Morton came for Thanksgiving and brought us back.
Christmas 1959 was the first Christmas I had ever been away from my folks for Christmas. The kids were fun but it was a troubled time for us.
I was Jr. Sunday School chorister for awhile, Then I changed to Mutual Speech Director. I just loved it.
I’m a visiting Relief Society Teacher and I go to Relief Society quite often. I’ve also been singing with the Singing Mothers. So far Morton hasn’t become active al church but I feel in time they’ll find a way to work him in.
In March 1960 Morton joined the brick Mason’s Union. I’m so proud of him!
But for some reason neither Morton nor I could handle this kind of success. Morton turned to gambling on the horses and I turned to religion.
I loved being speech director in the MIA but by July 5th when Morton got laid off because of a flub on the job and lack of work, we weren’t getting along at all. Toward the end of July Gib married Eleanor (Billy) Labrum and came down on his honeymoon. We had a lot of fun, but were quite broke and neither Morton nor Gib could find work.
Billy and I took Keith and Kim and came home to Vernal. Morton and Gib looked awhile longer and then came up.
Morton and I went back and stayed with Elva and Roy for 2 months. I was sick at head and heart. It seemed like the whole world was against us. I couldn’t stand Morton being deceitful and playing the horses and yet I didn’t have the gumption to leave him. I felt like I had no place to go. It was both of our faults. I didn’t know where or how to change or correct things.
The end of October Tommy, Morton’s brother wrote and said he had Morton a job in the oil so we moved to Vernal.
We stayed with my folks for a month and then got a small three room apartment up town. Before coming from California Morton had sold all of our furniture so we really had nothing but our kids.
Morton and I weren’t sure we didn’t hate each other, but I went to Dr. Bruce Christian and found out my blood hemo was only 8. That was the main reason for my nervousness, coldness and hatefulness.
But we really talked it over and decided to try both for ourselves and the kids to make a go of our marriage.
Morton’s oil well job ended the first part of February and the people who had bought our furniture hadn’t paid us for it so Morton and Lucky took off in our old car and went to the coast after it. They were supposed to be gone only a few days and it was 3 weeks. But when they came back they had had a ball and had all of our furniture.
By this time we were pretty happy and contented with our marriage and family.
Morton went to work painting for Daddy’s cousin Bill Young with Daddy at Ashton’s. We got us a cute 2 bedroom house and it seemed like every thing went our way. We began to get our old debts paid. I was feeling better and for the first time we had our feet under us.
We had Keith’s tonsils out during the summer before he went to kindergarten. He came thru it terrific.
In August we went up to Neola and helped Mom and Dad Chandler with the concession at the Sun Dance. What an experience! It was hot, dirty, very tiring and all in all a lot of fun.
Keith started Kindergarten that fall. He went to the new Ashley Valley Elementary, its first year too. The girl across the street and I took turned driving the kids to school.
That winter we started playing Pinochle with Bob and Dorothy Pitchford and also with Gary and Idora Walters. We really had a lot of fun all winter.
Lucky gave Barbara Wilde a diamond and then they split up. He was working for the Police Department in Salt Lake.
We wanted to start our own home so bad. Finally Willis and Dixie Auklind said they would sell us 3 acres in Davis Ward.
Morton started our home - rather the garage the first part of April. We moved in the 16th of May. Morton built a double garage, which he petitioned into 2 bedrooms and a combined kitchen and living room.
Ernie, Morton’s 39 year old brother stayed with us most of the time for nearly a year.
We lived without water here, outside restroom etc, but we had a lot of fun. The house wasn’t done at all when we moved in but by mid summer we had it all fixed up real cute. Then Morton built what eventually be our utility room and bath room. Before Christmas we moved in it, using it for a kitchen. This gave us much more room and living area. In the Spring of 1963 we put in 4 fruit trees, strawberries, shade trees, currents, grapes, a beautiful back lawn and a small garden in the spot we hope to put the kids a sand pile and swing set.
We had so much fun putting in flowers and making our place look homey.
I was primary chorister, Cub Scout Den Mother and ward Choir leader in Davis Ward. This is the most marvelous Ward we have ever lived in. We really seem to be accepted.
I’ve wanted to be married in the Temple most of the time since we’ve been married, but my desire is really great now.
It seems like we have so many friends who want to help us go through. Morton is Assistant Cub Master. He seems to rally love the Ward, but just isn’t ready for a Temple Marriage.
We’ve made 2 trips to California. I just love to go down. Morton’s Aunt Grace and Uncle Martin have really treated us wonderful. We really live for our trips down there.
During the summer of ‘63, I was in my first Operetta “Papa and the Playhouse”. I played Henrietta and helped with the chorus. I’ve never enjyed any thing so well. Its a big challenge, and it gave me a chance to become acquainted with so many people in our Stake. I was the only one from Davis Ward in it.
Also this summer Aunt Grace and Uncle Martin came up. We stayed over night up to East Park with them, and really relaxed and enjoyed it. Then we spent one full day with them. It was a super time!
Then we helped at the Indian Sun Dance Concession again.
By this time Gib and Billy had a 2 year old little boy named Kevin Geo, and in May of this year Ernie married Joan McKowen.
Kim started Kindergarten in the fall, where she did real well, and seemed to really love it. Keith went in to 2nd grade a Naples.
Right after school started Morton and Roy went to California for a load of calves. When they came back Morton insisted I go to a new Dr. here in Vernal. Dr. Van Weiren. For quite a while I’ve been awfully weak and tired.
When he checked my blood my hemo was only 6 so they put me right in the Vernal hospital and gave me 4 pints of blood. Before they started the transfusions my blood had dropped to 5. Then the Dr. Got me an appointment at the Salt Lake Clinic. They ran tests to see if something could be done about my losing blood which I’ve done all of my life. Every Dr. who ever checked my bowels said nothing could be done about the bleeding. But Dr. Rees in Salt Lake said he had performed the operation before and it was a localized cluster of bad veins. So on the 7th of October. I went into the L. D. S. Hospital. On the 8th they removed this bunch of veins. They gave me a Saddle Block so I was awake all the way through it, and was so thrilled when it was over. They burned a bunch of warts on me that I thought were just terribly sore lymph sores.
My room mate in the hospital was Charmaine Boulter. She had some varicose veins removed from both of her legs. She’s about my age and has 2 little girls, one 4 and one is 2. I think we will be life long friends. W just had a ball together! It’s the first time I’ve ever really hated to leave a hospital. We had a TV, radio, etc. in the room.
The operation has been quite an ordeal to recover from. I stayed with Janice and Bruce Harwood, my cousin, to recuperate. They were just wonderful to both Morton and I.
While here Morton decided to go to Vernal and our car broke down so we had to ask Carol and Bud Felter if we could ride home with them. I was lonesome for the kids, and so glad to be home. While I was going through all this Mama had the kids. She had to drive Keith out to school and pick him up every day, and at 11:30 every day she had to go to Central for Kim. I didn’t really expect her to keep the kids in school but she did. I really appreciated what she did, more than I can ever say or repay.
And every one from the Ward were so wonderful to us. When we got home everyone made us feel like we were really a part of it. I’ve never felt more like I’ve come home!
On the 16th of October, Billy had another baby boy. They named him Gordon.
On Kent’s birthday, the 23rd of October, Mama came up after me and the kids and I went down and had dinner and then rode up and saw the kids baby. Morton had gone deer hunting.
For the past year Morton has been spraying and painting on his own. We really have been lucky, but this last operation etc. has put us in a bind and work is really slowing down. I hope something brakes when Morton gets home.
Morton went to Salt Lake and laid brick. It was awfully cold but they worked until Christmas.
It was a Christmas I’ll never forget. Mom and Dad C. Came after the kids and I and we went to Salt Lake for a Christmas party in Tom and Leah’s new home. It was a wonderful trip. Morton had been staying with Elva and Roy. It was so good to be with him again.
When I got home there was a huge box on the kitchen table from the Lion’s Club. I don’t know who turned our names in, but in the box was a sack of oranges, potatoes, a turkey, bread, butter, canned goods, candy, nuts, and a package a piece for the kids. I’ve never heard of anything so wonderful Lee an Ed Wardle in California sent the kids 2 gifts a piece.
Morton came home Christmas Eve and stayed until after New Years, we had one of our rare discussions. I wonder if we’ll ever see eye to eye.
Then he went back to Salt Lake. For six weeks I lived only for the week ends he did come home. My health was so much better and I feel just perfect.
Then one weekend Morton called and said he wouldn’t be home. I called his Mom later to see if he’d sent some money out like he said he was. Well he hadn’t and Mom said it was my fault if he was to do things he shouldn’t, because I wasn’t living in the city with him. We had both decided it would be better if I tried to sell our house and wait for him to get us a place.
Well I finally got a call from him Wed. That night my secure, happy, world fell. He came home the next week-end and said he felt nothing for any of us. He was going with another woman. He said he didn’t love her but had much more in common with her.
I took the kids and stayed down to Mama and Daddy’s. They really helped me, by trying to keep me busy.
I went down to Ashton’s and got the promise of a job to begin in May. I went in to see about a divorce but didn’t push it because I still felt we could be happy together. Each time Morton came out I asked him about us giong to a marriage counselor.
During this time I had Kim’s tonsils out. She had been sick all winter and even had to go to the hospital.
Well, just before Easter Morton came out and asked to come to Salt Lake and go to a marriage counselor. I had almost every ground for divorce there was but I know I wanted to try and make him happy again.
Bishop Johnson traded us his equity in his trailer for the equity in our home after spending 2 weeks with Elva an Roy we moved the trailer out.
We moved in the Westcrest Trailer Court. It was just wonderful We lived there 2 months. There was both happiness and sadness here. Morton managed to spend most of one night out and I hit the ceiling.
Anyway we found there was more owed on the trailer than we had previously thought so we let it go. We had sold the bishop all of our furniture. So we got just what we could and moved into a 3 bedroom house next to Roy and Elva.
Just before we moved into the house Morton said I didn’t have the guts to get a job so I applied at Tanner’s Jewelry Manufacturing plant where I had worked before we were married, and was hired immediately. I started out a $1.25 an hour.
My job saved my sanity more than anything.
We lived in this house for almost a year and a half. We loved the home.
Ernie and Joan moved in with us for about 3 months.
We had had some very serious trouble during the summer. Morton stayed out all night drinking and I kicked him out, but he kept coming to Elva’s and causing heart ache with the kids. I still really wanted to make a go of things so when Ernie and Joan moved in things really went smoothly.
They moved back to Randlett just before Thanksgiving. W had a wonderful holiday though. I fixed a big turkey dinner while Morton pained Keith’s bed and dresser.
About the middle of February I took out a loan and we bought a ‘56 Olds. Then we went to California for 2 weeks. I really needed to rest and it was a wonderful trip. Morton always makes me mad by not coming home when he’s supposed to, but I know he loves the races and my madness always wears off.
Roy had left for California the preceding September and an October 15th Elva had a beautiful baby girl they named Cody Rae. She was a doll and did I ever have the experience of my life. Where Roy wasn’t here I got to play the part of the father. The hospital gave me all the privileges of one.
Elva had a pretty rough time afterward and Roy quit sending her money etc. I’ve never loved her so much!
Anyway she went to the coast and even while we were there Roy was giving her a bad time.
I kept getting leg infection almost every week. Dr. Rees sent me to Dr. Woolf, a plastic surgeon, to see if they would operate on me. They set me up a date for July 9th.
Morton and I had our bad and good times. Just before I went to the hospital he stayed out all night and I locked him out. When he got in he smacked me around quite a bit.
I wish I could understand his needs. I know what a fabulous man he is but when he gets mean and pulls goofy things he says that is his real self.
Well I spent 3 weeks in the hospital. I had to lay flat on my stomach for 19 of those days. Every one was wonderful Everyone at work chipped in and gave me a beautiful robe and gown. One of the girls who had worked there, at Tanner’s, and quit (Rene Jensen) gave me a darling set of p.j.’s . Mom C. and her sister have me a blouse and darling gown. Morton brought me up the most beautiful bouquet of red and white carnations. Mama gave me some nice slippers and Tanner’s sent me a beautiful plant. Another girlfriend Charmaine sent me a artificial bouquet.
Well after 3 weeks they let me go home. I spent 8 days working and trying to get on my feet.
They had removed the lymph marks and veins on my back an grafted over it. But I didn’t heal right, so when I went up for a checkup they put me back in and regrafted. I spent nearly 3 weeks again. Same room and same bed.
When I came home the 2nd time I called Tanners and they had given me 2 more weeks leave of absence. I was really glad.
I went back to work the 7th of September. Right afterward I was given my 4th raise. I’m up to $ 1.45 an hour now.
For two months I lived in complete heaven. I went all the way with Morton and he with me.
We put in for a loan on the house we were in and were making plans. I’ve been so happy!
But the day Morton found out the loan didn’t go thru he didn’t come home all night and I just kind of gave up.
We moved around the corner from Aunt Elaine and Uncle Glen.
For Halloween we had the kids a party. It turned out fine!
But there’s something real wrong. Though I know Morton’s ulcer is really giving him trouble he’s drinking quite heavy and smokes one cigarette after the other.
Just before Halloween Lucky came home from Germany. We hadn’t seen him for 3 years. He looks the same only bigger. He had sent Barbara Wilde another diamond but after he came home he went with Dora Van and didn’t even see Barbara.
He and Morton had some pretty heavy talks.
Morton got mad at me one night and left. He started staying out each night until just before I’d have to leave for work. I threatened a lawyer and divorce and it was just what he wanted. I finally went ahead and made it legal. As of March 4th 1966 we will legally both be free.
I guess he’s gone to California. It’s where he wanted to go and where he said he was going.
I guess I’m still in quite a state of shock. I don’t want to think about it, so I try not to. Don’t know if I’m hurting myself or not.
The kids are just wonderful! Without them I don’t know what I’d do. They seem to understand as much as any 9 and 7 year old could. I know they were tired of all the arguing and fighting that had been going on. I only hope that with God’s help I can have the know how to raise these two into the kind of man and woman they will want to be. They are just wonderful and I feel like God kept us together until he figured we could make it on our own. At this point I’m afraid he must have more confidence in me than I have in myself. But I don’t doubt his spirit is with us and I feel like our lives are in his hands all the way. I pray for strength to be the kind of Mother I want to be.
Morton and I were divorced for 9 months. I met and dated a man names Bob Danielson. He was good to me and the kids, but I found out later he had a wife and kids in Wyoming.
I was interviewed for and received my Patriarchal Blessing. It is just beautiful! I’m sure it helped me more to keep my faith up than any other thing.
But the biggest changes in my attitude was when a good sister in the Ward, Donna Luke, sent a book home from Primary with Kim. It was “Fascinating Womanhood”. I read it and could see so many ways I could have helped my marriage. I don’t say I could have saved it. But all the marriage counselor said made so much more sense.
I love my job and with it to tire me out and the kids who give me the desire to go on I’ll make it!
In the Easter Contata I sang with the Choir, in a mixed quartet, a mixed trio, and a duet. The Tenor I sang with was the Bishop I had when we first were divorced. He’s just marvelous both as a singer and a man.
In April Morton came back from California. I don’t hat him any more and he treats me real swell. For the first time he talks to me. He talks about everything.
The surprising thing is Morton even comes over to take us to church.
Morton asked me to marry him so on August 13th 1966 we went to Elko, Nevada and were remarried. From here on out I live to make my husband and children happy, so matter what we do or where we go.
After we were married about 7 months we got a chance to buy a home at 3232 Pearce St. in the same ward we were living in.
We took Project Temple and it made a big difference in our family life.
During the summer of 1967 I went back in the hospital for a vein operation again. Same one I’d had in 1963. I went through it fine.
Toward the end of the summer we bought our Jet camper. We really had a lot of fun with it. Louann had come to stay with us again. She went through the Temple and took out her endowments. The day she came out of the Temple she had some swollen glands on her neck. After tests etc. they found out she had Hodgkin’s Disease, Cancer of the Lymph glands. She really responded to her treatments though so she kept her job at O.C. Tanner’s in the Art Dept. Where she went to the top.
That winter we took Project Temple again. Morton was advanced in the Priesthood to an Elder. I’m so very proud of him. We had a date set to go through the Temple but we just aren’t ready for it.
During the winter Morton went back to California to work. But it doesn’t work. We never get ahead only build up hard feelings. He was only gone about 6 weeks.
In this ward I started as Drama Director in MIA. Then I became the chorister. Then went in as 2nd year Beehive Teacher. I just love teaching these girls.
In September of 1968 I realized I had to give up my church job or my job at Tanner’s. But I knew I should be at home being a full time house wife and Mother. Also I was beginning to be pretty bored with being a working mother, so I quit my job, though Morton and I still bowled on the Tanner League. This we both really enjoyed.
During this winter, 1968, Morton helped build his parents and his brothers fireplaces. They were just beautiful.
In February of 1969 we took in two foster children. Erin (4) and Timmy (3) Lloyd. They are just beautiful little ones. In due time and after a lot of medicine and Dr. appointments we found out that a continuous ear infection had resulted in Erin having a very little hearing. She goes to Kindergarten this fall so this will have to be fixed up.
It was fun having 2 young ones around but a little hard too. Its just been so many years. I know its for the best for all of us.
On April 4th of ‘69 we took Mama, Daddy and Rhonda went with Morton and I to Elko, Nevada with Louann and Max Allen to get married. The same Justice of the Peace married them that married Morton and I the 2nd time. The kids seem so happy. Louann just worships Max, and we all think he’s about the greatest. A week before this I had to go in for my Pap smear test.
The Dr. called me back and told me I needed to have my cervix operated on as there was a question of cancer. So two days later I went in the hospital. In on Wednesday, operated on Thursday, and home on Friday. It was the simplest operation I’ve ever had.
For the next week-end we went out to Mama’s to get Erin and Timmy, as she had tended them so I could have a recovery period. We brought Mama back as she wanted to go in with me for my check up as the results of the biopsies were back.
Dr. Vance really talked to Mama and I. He said I definitely had cancer but it was in its beginning stage, and was the least of my problems. I guess the tumor veins in my leg had grown into my bladder and other parts of my body. From what I can understand the veins were in a bad enough stage that they were ready to break. Funny to have to say this but maybe the cancer will save my life. They said it wasn’t common to use Cobalt and radiation on these kind of veins, but they knew the treatment wouldn’t hurt them so as Dr. Plenk said maybe they could kill two birds with one stone. They’re hoping the treatments might make the veins arrested or even shrink them. So I started my cobalt treatments. All I have to do is lay on a cot. No pain , no nothing. My side effects were extreme tiredness and nausea. They gave me some pills for the nausea and the tiredness wasn’t near as bad.
I couldn’t go in for the radium when they wanted me to as the white cells in my blood went way low.’ I spent a week in a lead lined room having tests.
Guess I am frightened but everyone has been so very wonderful and I’ve been so extremely lucky all my life and I’ve had such marvelous blessings that I know God’s spirit is with us in our home, and I know things will work out for the best.
The Dr. told me I had to get away in May to see if a change would let my body start making the white corpuscles again. I went to California. Roy and Elva were having problems so I spent most of my time at Pearl Severe’s or Aunt Grace Wardle’s.
My white count came down for a short time but went up so I couldn’t have radium placed in my body.
It would be hard to say whether “My School Years” should be in “My Hobbies or “My Story”. They all twelve were really wonderful.
In the first grad I remember one of the girls running over me with a bike. When I came to I was in the school room. This was in Wanship, Utah.
The second grade I loved too. I remember a boy gave me a ring and I lost it and cried and cried. I also remember being excused from class to go to the bathroom. I liked to hear my voice so I sang real loud. It echoed in the room. When I came out the principle was standing by the door. He escorted me back to class and made me promise not to do it again. I guess you could hear my voice all over the school! This was in Park City, Utah.
The first six weeks of my third grade I went to Ogden. I didn’t care much for it here. I remember Gib and I split a hot dog and bottle of pop so we could each buy candied apples for lunch.
The next six months we went to school in Grand Junction, Colorado. I really loved it here. I was a Christmas tree in our school play. I really got complements on my singing ability. I played a school teacher in a play we had.
The last little while of the third grade I spent in Lapoint, Ut. I remember all of the school going on a Easter picnic one day.
My fourth grade was spent here in Lapoint. I played a lead angel in ou Christmas program. I really loved school.
Most of my 5th grade was spent in Lapoint. We always played Jacks at recess.
The end of my fifth grade I spent at Ballard near Roosevelt, Utah. Here I had my first boy friend - Billy Haslam. I remember He, Gib, Janette, Norma Hadlock, and Myron Haslem and I rode horses on an Easter trip.
Here I spent my sixth grade. This was a real wonderful year. I had the lead in two school plays and our radio show. We were constantly on one project or another.
Then for the seventh grade we went to the Alterra High School. Our school room was in part of the kitchen. In November of this year I went on my first date. I went to a Scout Party with Norman Rasmussen. I started Mutual and sang the Theme Song of our Gold and Green Ball “Old Dutch Garden.” I wore a formal for the first time.
I went to the same school for my eighth grade. This was really a big year. My first special date of the year was with Earl Rasmussen to the Harvest Ball. Norma Hadlock had moved away and Pat Gines moved in our ward. Her and Deanne Asay became my best friends. I sang “Count Every Star” on the High Schools exchange assembly. I went to the Junior Prom with Earl Rasmussen. I dated an awfully lot. I started going to the barn. As far as dates were concerned this was really a big year. I was President of my Class.
Then my Freshman Year (9th) I went to Union High School. It was the combined school of Alterra High and Roosevelt High. I was class representative. I had a lot of fun this year. I headed the committee for our Freshman Frolic. I passed from this class an honor student.
For our Freshman party we invited the Freshmen from Roosevelt on a Hay ride. Here I met Norman Hanson and Kenneth Anderton. What fun!
I wrote this when I was a Freshman in High School in English. My teacher gave me an “A- Very Good” on it. I was very proud.
My Friend
It seems as I talk to my friend,
She makes me see the light.
She tries to make me understand
Just how to do things right.
She’s helped me through my rough spots,
In days that have gone by.
She has always helped me understand
The whats, and reasons why.
She helps me with my problems,
In my school, and Church and play.
She always seems to understand
Just why they are that way.
Though years may grow still harder
She’ll be there to the end-
So you can understand just why,
My Mother, is my friend.
Then when I started to school in my Sophomore year I was just learning how to walk real good after my leg operation. Again I was class representative. I joined the Girls Chorus this year. On this one occasion we were putting on a concert. Deanne Asay and I had sang on the Exchange Assembly the year before. This year we did again. Again I headed the committee for our class - Sophomore Slide Dance. I sang an awfully lot with Deanne and alone. I missed a very few dates this year. I wasn’t in the band but Gib was. This year they got their new uniforms.>>>
IN 1953, when I was a Sophomore, our school took State in the Class B tournament. This was perhaps the greatest single feat brought forth from our school during my 4 years there. I didn’t see the game, but I heard that two seconds before the game ended Ken Nickell grabbed the ball and threw it in the air screaming “WE DID IT” ---- and we had!
In my junior year I was home room representative. I was in the Girls Chorus and we went all over singing. Deanne and Pat and I started singing as a trio and we were called upon for funerals, Lion’s Club meetings, assemblies, exchange assemblies and we got a “good” rating at the contest. I joined the Pep club and was Vice President. W really had a lot of fun marching at games.
For our Junior Prom I was in charge of advertizing and was elected as Chairman over the other kids. We really had fun decorating for our Prom. “Stormy Weather” was our theme and everything was beautiful. We had a mixed modern dance for the floor show and it was really beautiful. Aunt Alice sent me a beautiful pink formal that I wore. Lynn White was my date and I had a beautiful Gardenia Corsage.
I also sang the theme song with 7 other girls at the senior hop.
I got it for the girl with the “Most Pleasing Personality”. Which really thrilled me. I helped with the big carnival dance as I was on the Year book staff. Yes it was a wonderful year. One of the most wonderful things this year was y Church History class in Seminary. Mr. Wendle Johnson was my teacher and he was marvelous! I was President of the whole Seminary. “Let’s Live Life In a Sweet Key” was the theme of our graduation. I sang “The Lord’s Prayer” with a sextet. It was really wonderful.
Then came my Senior Year! This was real great. I was one of two girls that got it for “the Most Sparkling Personality”. I worked in the office one period and really enjoyed it. Pat Deanne and I sang ”Green Cathedral” for the Contest and got a 1 rating, which is the highest they give. We were really thrilled. Both the past years I was runner up for Student Body Office. I felt this was a privilege. The past two years I went to the Basketball tournament in Provo. I really had a lot of fun, and met a lot of wonderful kids. I was reporter on the ‘55 Pep Club staff. Being the shortest I was also the march leader. It was really a lot of fun. Although I never did belong to the Home Ec, twice I sang at their candle light ceremony.
The Yearbook staff or Chorus was always taking trips. I went on most of them and really had fun.
We were on activity days in Vernal for this picture.
Then my graduation. It was perfect. I graduated as an honor student. I gave the farewell address for the class and sang “The Lords Prayer” with Deanne Asay and Pat Gines. It all turned out simply beautiful! It was more or less a musical graduation. The one song the class sang that stands out in my mind was “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. It was really beautiful. Since then the Tabernacle Choir has made a record using the same version. Marta Morrill played for us on it and did a very beautiful job.
I gave this at our graduation...
‘Tis sunset at Union
The eventide is nigh
The crimson smile is fading
Across the western sky
The time has come for parting
When friends must say farewell
And some may never meet again
Their fondest hopes to tell
The mountains shade the sunshine
And clouds obscure the light
Upon the sea of memory
There is no dreary night
Within our heart of friendship
There burns a steady glow
That lights the path before us
With thoughts of long ago.
And though our lives in future
may lie far, far apart.
The contact of each soul to soul,
Shall dwell in every heart.
An even thou we wander far
And other friends we make
The memory of the day agone
With us will always take!
Friends –
I had known who Phyllis was when I was 13. She was from Neola, so went to another grade school. I knew her through High School, but not real well until our Senior year. I went to the Basketball Tournaments with her and we were real close all year long. She was very special to me. After we had graduated I lived with her and Jannete Smithson and Sherene Henri in Salt Lake while we all worked. She was always very popular both with boys and girls. She was born April 14, 1937. She had two younger sisters, Arvella and Bonnie. She married frank slater in May of 1956. Their daughter Rona Laye was born February of 1957, and their daughter Julie was born in February of 1958.
Carol Memmott was one of the most wonderful girls I ever knew. Not only was she just beautiful but she had a brilliant personality.
She was always dressed in the most original and expensive clothes ever. All of which she worked for and bought herself.
There are many instances I can remember where Carol stood in the limelight, both on assemblies and in church work.
She was always there to be the first to offer congratulations or condolences where they were needed.
Carol will live in my mind as a “near perfect” girl as I’m sure she’ll be remembered in others hearts.
I went through school from the 6th grade on with Josephine. We didn’t chase in the same gang at school but we did do a lot of things together in church.
Jo was a wonderful little gal all the time. I never remember seeing her when she wasn’t full of vigor and vim. She never seemed blue or cross, or did she ever seem to have boy-friend problems. I sang at her wedding reception in November of 1955. I lost contact with her after that.
Norman was my first date - November 2, 1950. He was a very wonderful guy and a wonderful friend all through school.